Approved by PCI,New Delhi, Affiliated to The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R.Medical University, Chennai

Chairman’s Message

The Annai JKK Sampoorani Ammal Charitable Trust founded the Annai JKK Sampoorani Ammal College of Pharmacy at JKKMMRF in 1986. Our goal is to provide students with a high-quality education by arming them with the most up-to-date tools and making them role models in the pharmacy profession of their choice.

We support our students in achieving their goals while also instilling in them moral principles and a sense of discipline, resulting in excellent and valuable citizens of India. Every time we go forward, we strive to be innovative and creative.

Students, in our opinion, serve as the institution's brand ambassadors.  We pledge to always prioritise the interests of the students in all of our activities.

In order for pupils to be prepared for life's realities, it is crucial that they develop holistically. We take the utmost care with this issue and teach the students strong ethical principles. For a high-quality education, only infrastructure and tools are insufficient. There are a tonne of other elements as well that have a big impact. Services like beautifully maintained playgrounds, high-speed internet connections with wi-fi, a fine canteen, transportation facility, a gymnasium, a grievances redressal cell, a placement cell, etc. have been made available to all students. The Management is providing adequate funding for the adoption of a digital evaluation system and the dissemination of knowledge in many learning fields.

I convey my best wishes to all the students who will enrol in this college and hope they have success in both their academic careers and all of their future endeavours.

Chairman / Managing Trustee,
Annai JKK SampooraniAmmal Charitable Trust,
Komarapalayam, Namakkal. Dt. Tamilnadu.