Approved by PCI,New Delhi, Affiliated to The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R.Medical University, Chennai


Pollution Control

Public transportation and bicycle use are encouraged for both students and staff. The institution offers both staff and students good transportation options.

Good Transport Facility

The entire campus is thoughtfully designed with black-top roadways and pedestrian-friendly pavements.

Plastic Free Campus

The faculty and students are being made aware of the need to use less plastic. Signs that read "Don’t use Plastic" have been placed prominently around the campus.


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Paperless -Save the Trees

All employee circulars are posted on the internet to reduce the amount of paper used in distribution. The students receive academic timetables, lesson plans, and course plans via group email. For record-keeping purposes, students are recommended to use both sides of the paper. Every terminal with a printer is using the double-sided printing option. The environmentally friendly practice of utilising one-side printed paper is promoted. Staff members use one-side printed papers for their rough work.

Plantation of Trees for Rain

Tree planting, which preserves the ecosystem, is significantly responsible for the institution's green environment. To boost the amount of greenery on campus, tree planting campaigns are conducted every year by the Department of Pharmacognosy. To increase the pupils' awareness of the environment, saplings are planted.

Save Electricity and Water

The current imperative is to conserve electricity. Staff and students are told to conserve energy as much as they can. In all significant campus locations, there are numerous signs encouraging people to "Save Power and Water"

The current imperative is to conserve water. Rainwater harvesting pits have been dug in thoughtful locations to collect the rainwater in order to achieve this goal. The rainwater is properly channelled to recharge the groundwater level and lessen our reliance on municipal water supplies. Water conservation is encouraged among both students and employees.

Green campus initiatives

As per the green practices in the campus, JKKMMRF’s  is moving in the direction of a Green Institution by planting more trees in and around the campus. Many herbals plants and herbal garden and fruit trees have been planted to make optimal use of the land available. The garden consists of local species of trees which make the campus cool during hot summer months and improves the ambience of our campus.

The following green campus initiatives are available at our institution:

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Battery powered vehicle

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                              JKKMMRF'S purchased charged battery vehicle for pick up and drop staffs and students