Approved by PCI,New Delhi, Affiliated to The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R.Medical University, Chennai

Code of Conduct

General regulations of JKKMMRFs COP

The Institution has developed code of conduct for Students, Staff, Faculty, Governing Council and Administrators.

Roles And Responsibilities Of Governing Council

The Governing Council is the highest administrative body of the institute and it meets twice in a year and its functions are given below:

  • To monitor the academic and other related activities of the college
  • To consider the recommendations of the Staff Selection Committee
  • To review the important communications, policy decisions received from the University, Government, PCI, AICTE, etc.
  • To pass the annual budget of the college
  • To review the audited statements of accounts of the institute
  • To review the MoUs signed and industry collaborations
  • To review the state of the art equipment procured
  • To review the faculty position of the college
  • To review the faculty development initiatives and programs
  • To review the admissionsof the institute
  • To review the academic performance of the students
  • To review the students development activities
  • To review the placement activities

Code Of Conduct For Faculty And Staff


  • College working hours is 9.45 AM to 4.45 PM for faculty, staff and students.
  • Faculty should sign in the attendance register twice a day (before 9.45 AM in the morning and after 4.45 PM in the evening) at the principal Office.
  • All staff members should be available in the Institute during working hours and follow the dress code prescribed by the Principal / Management.
  • Faculty should handle the theory, laboratory and other classes for the full duration.
  • University Examination work is mandatory for faculty as per the TN DR MGR MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Regulations.
  • The faculty in the college will be relieved from his duties on his request and under the description Principal and Management. The relieving will be considered only at the end of the academic year.
  • The promotion to higher cadre depends on Vacancy opening for the position, Faculty Performance Appraisal Score, Teaching, Research and Satisfactory performance in academic and other related activities in the college.
  • The faculty / staff should abide by the rules and regulations of the institution framed from time to time for the effective functioning.
  • The faculty and staff members shall not engage themselves either directly or indirectly in conduct of any business or trade, part time job in other concerns, etc.
  • The faculty and staff members shall not involve themselves in activities not related to their allotted work, during working hours.
  • The faculty and Staff members are encouraged to take up consultancy projects, however, with the knowledge of the management.
  • The faculty and staff members should not accept valuable gifts in any form from the students / parents / companies having business transactions with the college.
  • The faculty and staff members shall not interfere in any matter not connected to their job requirements.
  • The details of student feedback and performance appraisal reports given by the superiors shall be treated as confidential.
  • All correspondence to the Management should be routed through proper channel (HOD, Principal and to the Management).
  • Faculty members should take active participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • Faculty should take active participation in conducting value added courses to the students to enhance their employability skills.
  • All the faculty should continuously update their knowledge by attending Seminars /Workshops etc., and by using library.
  • Each teaching staff with teaching experience of more than 3 years is expected to publish at least one technical paper per year. The technical paper may be an outcome of research / student project work.

Leave Provisions

  • Central and State Government holidays will be holidays for the institution, in general.
  • Faculty/Staff is eligible for 18 days Casual Leave (CL) per academic year andMedical Leave as per the management consideration. Medical Leave can be taken as Casual Leave as well.
  • Faculty/Staff should take leave with prior permission from HOD and Principal after proper alternate arrangement. Leave can also be informed over phone only in case of emergency.
  • Faculty/Staff can avail one hour permissiontwice a month. However, such a facility should be used only for essential needs.
  • Leaves cannot be accumulated and carried forward to the next academic year, in general.


  • Teaching staff are normally eligible for three weeks’ vacation per academic year. one week in winter and two weeks in summer, or three weeks in the summer.
  • Non-teaching staff are normally eligible for 10 days’ vacation per year.The Principal has the right to prevent any staff member from availing a portion or the whole of vacation if the services of the particular individual are considered essential.
  • Only staff members who have completed 10 months of service, as on the date of commencement of the vacation period, are entitled for full vacation. Proportionate days will be granted if the service is 6 – 10 months.
  • No leave can be combined with the vacation. The staff member should be present on the last working day before the vacation and also on the first working day after the vacation to become eligible to draw the vacation salary.
  • Personal On-Duties / leave will not be adjusted in the vacation in general. However Principal may permit based on genuine needs (like serious health issues, marriage).

On – Duty Provisions

  • On-Duty (OD) permission can be availed for official work (assigned by the college), Career Development Programs (FDP, Conferences, Workshops, Research Work, Course work examinations and others), and TN DR MGR MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Examination Duty (Invigilation, Practical Examinations and Valuations).
  • Prior permission from the HOD and Principal with proper alternate arrangement is essential.
  • A faculty can avail OD for university examinations related works. Based on special requests from University, Principal can permit the faculty additionally.
  • In general, faculty shall not be eligible for OD for the examination related works of other universities

Prohibition of Ragging

Ragging or harassment of any student of the college anywhere, in any form, is strictly prohibited. As per the Act No. 7 by the Government of Tamil Nadu for prohibition of ragging, if any student is found involved in the act of ragging, the college will lodge police complaint (as per the directive of the Supreme Court) and/or the student will be expelled from the college. The same will be intimated to the University, which may lead to cancellation of the admission of the student.

Roles And Responsibilities Of Administrators

  • Principal: Academic and administrative leadership for the institute based on the directions from the Secretary/AJKKSACT and AJKKSACP.
  • Vice Principal: Works in consultation with the principal in administering the academic and administrative activities.
  • Directors-Placement Training & Hospital Training : Planning and execution of various training programs for the students, liaising with companies, arranging various industry institute interaction programs, Hospital training and internship and arranging ON/OFF campus placements for the students.
  • Head of the Department (HOD): Takes care of academic and administrative responsibilities of the department under his/her preview. HOD has to take care of establishing and maintaining laboratories, teaching, research, consultancy and extension activities, faculty and supporting staff development as per the direction of the principal and management.
  • Examination management system: Ensures smooth conduct of Internal Assessment Test,Model examinations, university theory and practical examinations and related activities.
  • Library: Purchase, maintenance and monitoring the issue and return of books, journals, e-journals, CDs and other services to the students and faculty.
  • Equipment and Facilities Maintenance Department : The department takes care of maintenance of all equipment and facilities in the college except those specific to the department laboratories.
  • Transport Manger: Overall in charge for operation and maintenance of college buses, cars, and related activities.
  • Hostel Residential warden: Overall in charge for hostel facilities, hostel mess, students discipline in the hostel, and medical needs of hostel students during their stay in the hostel.

Code Of Conduct For Students

  1. Usage of cell phones inside the classrooms is not permitted.
  2. Students shall not enter the college premises in intoxicated state and should not possess such materials.
  3. No student is allowed to entertain outsiders inside the premises of the college without prior permission from the college authorities.
  4. Students should use dustbins for throwing garbage and any unwanted material
  5. Student should keep the class rooms and college premises absolutely neat and clean. Disfiguring and scribbling on the walls, college buses and doors or breaking the furniture is a violation of discipline and will be severely punished.
  6. During class hours, students are not permitted to visit office, Principal, HOD or Class Advisors.
  7. No student should be seen outside the class room or out of the college during class hours.
  8. Students should acquaint themselves in time with the notifications put up on the Notice Board.
  9. Students should be punctual to classes and attend their work with devotion.
  10. Students should wear their I.D. Cards in the campus and in the college bus compulsorily
  11. Girls should wear chudidhars with dupatta pinned on either sides of the shoulder.
  12. Boys should wear only formal shirts and tuck-in their shirts when they are inside the campus. Wearing jeans, T-shirts and shirts with tattoos and any other form of symbols are strictly prohibited inside the campus.
  13. During laboratory classes, students should wear their lab uniforms properly.
  14. Students should maintain absolute discipline inside the class rooms as well as the college premises.
  15. Students should converse only in English inside the campus.
  16. Students should reach the college on time.
  17. Special emphasis is put on maintaining the discipline and good conduct in the institution and students should abide by it.
  18. Students are subject to rules of conduct and behavior framed by the authorities of the College.
  19. If a student’s behavior goes wrong, the parent of the student concerned should come and meet the Class Advisor and the Head of the Department.
  20. Boys and girls interaction on personal grounds is strictly not permitted.
  21. There should not be exchange of greetings, photos, gift articles or letters between boys and girls.
  22. Students are not allowed to visit the residents of the students of opposite gender.
  23. Day-Scholars are not allowed to enter the Hostel without prior permission from the Principal.
  24. Students are not allowed to form any type of unauthorized union / meeting and not allowed to celebrate birthday and any form of parties.
  25. If a student is found guilty of indiscipline, the College reserves the right to take disciplinary action against him/her and inform the Parents/Guardians about the action taken.

Rules And regulations For Hostel Residents

  • Both the hostels (Gents/Ladies) are managed by Deputy Wardens staying in the hostel.
  • The students can approach the wardens for help, guidance and grievance redressal.
  • At the time of hostel admission, a duly completed Personal Data Form of the student has to be submitted to the warden.
  • Any change of address / telephone number of the parent / local guardian has to be intimated to the hostel warden.
  • Rooms once allotted to the students will not be changed.
  • During study hours, the rooms should be kept open.
  • Watching TV is permitted only at leisure time.
  • Lights, fans, water heater, etc. should be switched off when not in use.
  • The rooms, common areas and surroundings should be kept clean and hygienic.
  • In case of any damage or loss to hostel property, the cost will be recovered from the respective student. As per the Supreme Court order, ragging of students is totally banned. If there is any violation, the students will be dealt with very severely, including expulsion from the college.
  • Consumption of alcoholic drinks/ smoking in the hostel premises is strictly prohibited.
  • Students should not invite day scholar students to the hostel rooms.
  • The visit of men students to the women’s hostel and vice versa is restricted.
  • If any student wishes to be away from the hostel during weekend, holidays or any other time, he/she has to get prior permission from the warden and has to be in the hostel before 7.00 pm.

Students Attendance And Leave

As per TN MGR MEDICAL UNIVERSITY regulations, 80% attendance is compulsory. Otherwise, students cannot appear for the University Examinations.

Attendance for the Examinations, Tests, Assignments and Classes is compulsory.

Leave of absence should be obtained from the CAS in advance.

Parents should inform the class advisor, in case of sickness or unanticipated absence of their wards.

In case of sickness, a medical certificate has to be submitted.